How I have kept fit over Lock Down

I am not someone who likes exercise; some people love Gyms, running and play a multitude of sports. That has never been me. I think I have been to a Gym about three times in my life. Entering lockdown in my 60s and being the wrong side of 12.5...

How music and motherhood brought me to yoga

I had always quite fancied the idea of doing yoga. As a youngster, I got hold of my mum’s copy of Lynn Marshall’s ‘Keep up with Yoga’ book, (which I don’t believe my mum had actually used.) Lynn Marshall was the embodiment of all that was sleek and glossy....

Finding our edge in Yoga

Through Yoga practice we must learn to find the edge of ourselves, the edge of the yoga posture. Having found the edge, that is when we hold, we stay, we allow ourselves to become still and receptive. We then find the edge moves, we do not have to make...

Yoga for computer users

Yoga Quick Breaks –  from your Computer Screen Yoga quick break 1 1. look away from your screen and focus your eyes on the furthest point in the room 2. Take you gaze to the middle distance and focus 3 Now look down at your keyboard and focus 4....

The Benefits of Yoga

Behavioral Reduced weight Reduced Nervousness Reduced Health complaints Increased clinical assessment of psychiatric patients Reduced psychological complaints Physical Increased Hand steadiness Reduced reactivity to stressors Increased memory Increased flexibility Increased relaxation Reduced muscular electrical activity (EMG) Increased muscle tone Increased fitness Mental Increased Concentration Increased memory Increased intelligence quotient...

Yoga for Men’s Health

And men can come too…Yoga for men’s health By Phil Aston BWY Dip For men, being able to tell the difference between bad stress and healthy stress can be impossible. From an early age we are told to push ourselves to the limit, to compete on every level. Must...