Are you trying too hard to get better? Your body wants you to try less, it knows what to do. You need to stop trying to get better so you actually start to heal This is what I did and started studying Tinnitus to degree level. You need to...
The following story had a big effect on me
The following story had a big effect on me Three groups of Piano students have an exam to do on Friday. Group One practice for one hour every day and then take the exam on Friday. Group Two do not practice at all but take the exam on Friday. Group Three – imagine and visualise they are practising and take...
Mood and mindset are part of the Tinnitus amplifier
Mood and mindset are part of the Tinnitus amplifier. Tinnitus becomes the punchbag for everything that appears to go wrong or when you have any negative feeling or stress. Awareness and volume are also connected to this. An example which showed me I had more control than I thought I...
I can confirm that Yoga helps with Tinnitus
How do I know? I am a qualified Yoga teacher When Tinnitus hit in 2016 my Yoga practice died with the silence I also thought was gone forever. I had always practised yoga in quiet rooms. I was not the type of teacher who had new age music on...
How music and motherhood brought me to yoga
I had always quite fancied the idea of doing yoga. As a youngster, I got hold of my mum’s copy of Lynn Marshall’s ‘Keep up with Yoga’ book, (which I don’t believe my mum had actually used.) Lynn Marshall was the embodiment of all that was sleek and glossy....
Happy New Year – Diary of a Reluctant Yogi
Happy New Year – Here is my latest ‘Diary of a Reluctant Yogi’ video post. Lets make a pledge to unroll our yoga mats before we check our emails in 2016! Phil Aston
Yoga Sutras – a reading at Trebah Gardens
A reading from ‘The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali’ Filmed at the beach at Trebah Gardens following our recent Yoga & Spa break at Budock Vean Country Hotel. Trebah is walking distance from the hotel. Our 2016 Yoga and Spa Dates can be found here. Thanks, Phil
Diary of a Reluctant Yogi – How I Started My Journey
It seems so long ago, stepping onto a yoga mat for the first time. I had arrived reluctantly after finding that I had borderline high blood pressure, had anxiety and did not exercise at all. I was 38, I needed to do something, and my wife Sue, who had...
Finding the Key to Stillness
A world of stillness and clarity is but a shadow away. Your key to opening the door is mindfulness of breath… When I started yoga all those years ago my whole focus was on the physical aspect of the practice. Now, older (perhaps wiser) I realise that I was...
An exercise in Mindfulness – Lets make a nice cup of Tea
Start by making a resolution that you are going to follow through this exercise without interruptions. Do it with careful attention, very slowly, and notice each part of the task as you do it. See how easy it is to speed up again as you forget that you are...