My Tinnitus Success Story – How it Can Get Better

This page is to offer support to all those that think Tinnitus is a life sentence.

I was struck down with Tinnitus in 2016 and it was louder than the shower and I could hear it over anything. I thought my life was over.

Now in 2024, I am very rarely aware of it or even hear it unless I want to. I do everything I did before including reading in a silent room.

The posts on this page are my story on how I got better. I hope they offer support and inspiration to anyone with this condition. It does get better, the answer is within you.

I am constantly adding more posts so please bookmark this page.

Thank you Phil 

Mood and mindset are part of the Tinnitus amplifier

Tinnitus – It is all about where your attention is 

The following story had a big effect on me

Tinnitus – are you trying too hard to get better?

Tinnitus, Time and a Ticking Clock

Tinnitus – A Pink Floyd Analogy

I can confirm that Yoga helps with Tinnitus

Tinnitus – Are You All Ears?

The Tinnitus Highway – Neuroplasticity

Tinnitus and Floaters – We Need To Get Out of Our Heads

Anxiety is the amplifier and our catastrophic thoughts control the volume

Tinnitus Success – 10 Things That Helped Me


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